Heta erbjudanden i Zagreb, Airport, Croatia
Utforska Zagreb i en hyrbil
Om du njuter av lugnet i naturen är Croatia säkert en plats för dig. Hyr en bil för att komma bort från städerna, hämta ditt fordon från Airport för att undvika dem helt och hållet. BookingCar-Europe.com erbjuder ett utbud av fordon till rimliga priser. Vi ser till att allt är i sin ordning för din ankomst till Airport.Andra platser i den här staden:
Delivery within country limits
Hotel Four Points
Hotel Sheraton
The Regent Esplanade Hotel
Hotels Delivery
Mercedes Benz
The Westin Hotel
Bus Station
In Zagreb, car rental costs some kind of space money. Here I found more inexpensive
Booked FORD FOCUS SW. Excellent rental conditions!
I booked VOLKSWAGEN GOLF for 5 days. The city was very impressed, and the neighborhood too. I also wanted to go for a couple of days. Asked the consultant to extend the term, I thought that all this would be problematic. It turned out, no. Some formalities and a machine are at my disposal. On account of free changes, insurance can not say anything, I did not have to try. But I can share the impression of the car. Very satisfied, really tried everything perfectly to cook.
It was lucky that the rental price included full insurance. No problems covered the costs, the distributor did not deceive. Next time only here behind the car!