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Utforska Punta Cana i en hyrbil
Kan du inte bestämma hur du planerar din kommande resa? Hyr en bil från Alamo i Punta Cana. Gör din bokning via BookingCar-Europe.com för att se till att Dominican Republic inte blir för dyrt. BookingCar-Europe.com erbjuder dig de bästa erbjudandena med pålitliga uthyrningsföretag, som Alamo i Punta Cana.
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pris för 3 dagar
€ 147.42
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€ 147.74
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pris för 3 dagar
€ 151.92
2018 - 08 - 16
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
The car was given a decrepit
2018 - 06 - 25
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
For a long time were not with his wife on vacation, so this summer decided to rest in full. We rented a car to feel comfortable. What can I say ... we managed to travel around all surrounding areas, visit the most beautiful beaches and the most secluded bays. The local advised a couple of places that we have not even heard of. Just for them it was worth taking a car. Service were satisfied, the distributor as always did not disappoint.
2017 - 11 - 21
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
Our trip was associated with the anniversary of the wedding, I wanted to have a good time. The trip was planned, it was necessary to book a car. Asked his wife to entrust this matter to me. The choice was small, NISSAN QASHQAI seemed quite a decent option. Impressions remained the most positive. At the airport to find a rack is very simple, we were lucky, there was no queue. The specialist showed the machine, the papers were signed quickly and the machine for 2 weeks was ours. There were no inconveniences or breakages.