- De bästa erbjudandena
- Respekterade biluthyrningsföretag
- Stöld- och olycksfallsförsäkring
- Depositionsförsäkring
Utforska Tel Aviv i en hyrbil
Alamo i Tel Aviv är ett uthyrningsföretag med mycket erfarenhet. På BookingCar-Europe.com kan du hitta information om pålitliga hyrbilsföretag, jämföra priser och göra en bokning. Det spelar ingen roll vart du ska, om Israel eller någon annanstans, att hyra en bil kommer att vara ovärderlig under din resa. För att välja det bästa fordonet för dig, använd Alamo i Tel Aviv.
Biluthyrning är enkelt med BookingCar
brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ
Bookingcar erbjuder ett brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ. Hos oss kan du välja en bil av vilken klass som helst som passar dina behov bäst.
förmånliga priser
Våra priser är bland de bästa på marknaden. Se efter själv!
Professionell support 24/7
Vårt professionella callcenter hjälper dig att förstå alla krångligheterna med biluthyrning. Vi garanterar full support under hela hyresperioden.
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 171.72
€ 111.62
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 173.55
€ 112.81
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 210.82
€ 137.03
2018 - 07 - 24
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
Bookingcar always helps
2018 - 07 - 11
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
In principle, as with any rolling company, there are advantages and disadvantages. I liked that there is a good choice of cars and you can make reservations yourself. It was not pleasant, that if you address for the help to the adviser the procedure very much is tightened
2018 - 03 - 20
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
A good distributor
2017 - 01 - 10
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
There was a choice or to deal with the public transport system, or take a car. Then I realized that without a rental car I did not have time to do anything out of the planned one, the more I wanted to see the city. Friends threw a list of delicious places, so it was necessary to have time to fulfill the plan maximum. The work of the company was satisfied. Everything is fast and smooth, no complaints. Next time, as always, again to them. I do not like to experiment.
2015 - 06 - 15
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
Kind all day. Recently rented a car for the May holidays in Tel Aviv through the site of Bookingcar.su Was pleasantly surprised by the number of offers. After comparing the cost and services, I decided to book a car exactly through them. In general, I was satisfied, especially as I was immediately answered on the phone in this company and quite professionally. As a result, the car was received by ALAMO, everything turned out as promised to me by phone in Moscow, quickly and without imposing any additional options.