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- Respekterade biluthyrningsföretag
- Stöld- och olycksfallsförsäkring
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Utforska Abu Dhabi i en hyrbil
Cargets Car Rental i Abu Dhabi är ett uthyrningsföretag med mycket erfarenhet. På BookingCar-Europe.com kan du hitta information om pålitliga hyrbilsföretag, jämföra priser och göra en bokning. Det spelar ingen roll vart du ska, om United Arab Emirates eller någon annanstans, att hyra en bil kommer att vara ovärderlig under din resa. För att välja det bästa fordonet för dig, använd Cargets Car Rental i Abu Dhabi.
Biluthyrning är enkelt med BookingCar
brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ
Bookingcar erbjuder ett brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ. Hos oss kan du välja en bil av vilken klass som helst som passar dina behov bäst.
förmånliga priser
Våra priser är bland de bästa på marknaden. Se efter själv!
Professionell support 24/7
Vårt professionella callcenter hjälper dig att förstå alla krångligheterna med biluthyrning. Vi garanterar full support under hela hyresperioden.
Mercedes Viano
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pris för 3 dagar
€ 935.37
Cadillac Escalade
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pris för 3 dagar
€ 1,034
Mercedes Viano
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pris för 3 dagar
€ 935.37
2018 - 07 - 24
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Cargets Car Rental: 
This time is very pleased with the car. Issued with a mileage of 15 thousand.
2017 - 03 - 28
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Cargets Car Rental: 
I booked a car for 3 weeks. There were doubts as to how the refund would go, whether fines would be raised. All the same, the term is long and it's not enough. But there was no way to do without a car. As a result, I can say that I did not have problems with this distributor. 3 days or 3 weeks - there is no difference. The car was satisfied, there were no breakages during the operation. The first days got used to the management, and then everything went like clockwork. The return was quick. He remained satisfied.
2016 - 11 - 22
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Cargets Car Rental: 
We took a car for a honeymoon trip and, of course, wanted something special. We decided to take PORSCHE BOXSTER GTS with my husband. The price was lower than that of competitors. We know the quality of services, we know that they always give out good cars. Seeing the car was delighted. Was perfectly prepared for new customers, the salon is simply stunning. Surprised that the mileage is small, after talking with a consultant found out that she was at the box office only 4 times. In general, consider, skated in a new car. Just awesome!