Heta erbjudanden i Washington DC, USA Washington DC efter leverantör Alamo
Utforska Washington DC i en hyrbil
, precis som alla andra städer, kan utforskas mer rigoröst i ett hyrfordon. Vill du spara? Hyr då en bil med Alamo och dra nytta av specialerbjudandena. Prata med företagets specialister och gör en bokning online och välj det mest bekväma Alamo-kontoret där du kan hämta ditt valda fordon.In general, the city was not impressed, well, I took a rental car and there was a lot of options to spend time. Leisure planned through the site distributor, there you can see a list of museums, and a couple of restaurants to find. With regards to the car. Rented economy option FORD FIESTA for a week. The car is not bad, the main thing that was given on time and there were no problems with the return.
Andrey Kuleshov, 10 december 2018