- De bästa erbjudandena
- Respekterade biluthyrningsföretag
- Stöld- och olycksfallsförsäkring
- Depositionsförsäkring
Utforska Minsk i en hyrbil
Är snabb service nummer ett för dig? Avis i Minsk tar dig på väg på kortast möjliga tid. Boka din hyrbil och hitta svar på alla frågor på BookingCar-Europe.com. Belarus ser miljontals turister passera genom den varje år. Njut av din tid där bekvämt genom att hyra en bil från Avis i Minsk.
Biluthyrning är enkelt med BookingCar
brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ
Bookingcar erbjuder ett brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ. Hos oss kan du välja en bil av vilken klass som helst som passar dina behov bäst.
förmånliga priser
Våra priser är bland de bästa på marknaden. Se efter själv!
Professionell support 24/7
Vårt professionella callcenter hjälper dig att förstå alla krångligheterna med biluthyrning. Vi garanterar full support under hela hyresperioden.
Ford Focus
eller liknande

pris för 3 dagar
€ 132.26
2020 - 01 - 01
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Avis: 
I had a hard time before I found the car in Minsk. A working trip required to be in a car and although the company covered all expenses, there was another problem. They had to provide all the documents in confirmation and plus the car was needed urgently. This distributor really helped me out. Their site is excellent and the support service worked quickly. In general, I was more worried about all this.
2019 - 02 - 15
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Avis: 
After the first trip I thought about changing the company, as the car obviously did not correspond to the set price. But the second time I still made an order via Bookingcar and was just surprised that the car was given out literally new. Since then, for the second year I have been using their services and there have been no more negative moments. For example, this time in Minsk booked skoda rapid. It was inexpensive and the state was satisfied.
2018 - 07 - 17
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Avis: 
Very lucky with the car, although last time not satisfied at all remained.
2017 - 03 - 14
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Avis: 
I am glad that Avis has a large car park. Need an SUV for trips to mountainous areas? No problem. Need a small compact smart car to drive through the narrow streets? Also not a question.