- De bästa erbjudandena
- Respekterade biluthyrningsföretag
- Stöld- och olycksfallsförsäkring
- Depositionsförsäkring
Utforska Minsk i en hyrbil
När du bokar en hyrbil med Europcar i Minsk väljer du tillförlitlighet och komfort. BookingCar-Europe.com rekommenderar endast beprövade uthyrningsföretag som har funnits i flera år på marknaden i Belarus. Son inte vara beroende av buss- och tågtider, och se allt genom att hyra en bil med Europcar i Minsk.
Biluthyrning är enkelt med BookingCar
brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ
Bookingcar erbjuder ett brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ. Hos oss kan du välja en bil av vilken klass som helst som passar dina behov bäst.
förmånliga priser
Våra priser är bland de bästa på marknaden. Se efter själv!
Professionell support 24/7
Vårt professionella callcenter hjälper dig att förstå alla krångligheterna med biluthyrning. Vi garanterar full support under hela hyresperioden.
eller liknande

pris för 3 dagar
€ 84.14
eller liknande

pris för 3 dagar
€ 88.57
AUDI A4 1.4
eller liknande

pris för 3 dagar
€ 209.27
2019 - 06 - 29
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Europcar: 
There are clear requirements for rights. Including there should be no marks about any serious offenses.
2018 - 08 - 21
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Europcar: 
If I made the reservation for the first time, I would probably be very indignant at the fact that the extradition was detained for 2 hours. I have used the services of the company for a long time and I know that they usually have no delays. Reacted loyally, but wrote a letter to the administration. I hope that this will not happen again.
2018 - 02 - 06
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Europcar: 
We took a car for hire at the airport in Minsk and went to a sanatorium outside the city. The car was not new, but clean and well-groomed. I had to spend time fixing all the scratches, but it's better so then pay fines for it. In general, were satisfied.
2016 - 12 - 03
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Europcar: 
I tried several resources for car booking and eventually returned to where I started. Bookingcar.su - the most convenient site for booking. They can receive expert advice quickly, and make a reservation in just a few clicks. Plus, if you need information about the city or country, you can find it on the website of the rental company. There are no problems with the choice of dispensing stands and no doubtful claims in the form of fines or delays in the pledge. I highly recommend myself if you value good service.