- De bästa erbjudandena
- Respekterade biluthyrningsföretag
- Stöld- och olycksfallsförsäkring
- Depositionsförsäkring
- Hem /
- USA Texas /
- Midland /
- International Airport /
- Alamo
Utforska Midland i en hyrbil
När du planerar din semester, hyr en bil från Alamo i Midland. Hitta all information du behöver om hyrföretag från specialisterna på BookingCar-Europe.com. USA Texas är känd för sina sevärdheter, som bäst kan utforskas i ett hyrfordon. Välj ett pålitligt uthyrningsföretag som Alamo i Midland.
Biluthyrning är enkelt med BookingCar
brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ
Bookingcar erbjuder ett brett utbud av biluthyrningsalternativ. Hos oss kan du välja en bil av vilken klass som helst som passar dina behov bäst.
förmånliga priser
Våra priser är bland de bästa på marknaden. Se efter själv!
Professionell support 24/7
Vårt professionella callcenter hjälper dig att förstå alla krångligheterna med biluthyrning. Vi garanterar full support under hela hyresperioden.
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 437.34
€ 284.27
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 433.39
€ 281.71
eller liknande

Spara på detta erbjudande 35%
pris för 3 dagar
€ 545.57
€ 354.62
2020 - 08 - 22
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
I was driving not so much for work as for a change of scenery. I decided to rent a car to have an interesting time. I would like to note the fast service and the good condition of the cars.
2020 - 08 - 17
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
We rented a FORD F150. It turned out a little expensive, but the car is great
2020 - 08 - 07
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
FORD FIESTA on the machine is a good option for an economy car. I often rent it, because here they are always great
2020 - 07 - 22
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
I liked how they solve issues even in controversial situations. If there is dissatisfaction, complaints, you can fill out the form on the website. I have an unpleasant situation too. Then they contacted me on this issue and took control of everything. As a result, I am very pleased that the situation was decided in my favor. The important thing is not that they arise in principle, anything can happen, but how they are dealt with later.
2020 - 07 - 19
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
Paid only for the delivery of the car at a later time
2020 - 07 - 11
Betyg BookingCar: 
Betyg Alamo: 
I had to stay in Midland for a long time. There were a lot of cases and it turned out that a car was needed. I didn’t really want to get involved with this, because usually it costs a lot. I was not looking for a long time. Interested in an offer from Bookingcar. After consulting with a specialist, I realized that it suits me and rented. As I was promised, so it all happened.